Study Abroad with 小蓝视频 Public Health

Public Health Scholars study abroad in England, India, or Kenya during the fall semester of their second year at 小蓝视频. Our scholars learn firsthand how cultural perspectives inform the understanding and application of public health around the world.

Students develop critical insight into global health issues and engage in some of the most pressing health dialogues. In addition, Public Health Scholars are provided cross-cultural orientations as they transition to and from their study abroad experiences.

England & Jamaica

The Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) London Health Practice & Policy Program offers specialized study in London and Oxford - ending the semester at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica.

Read about 小蓝视频 student .


The 小蓝视频 Madrid Program in Global & Public Health Issues offers access to one of the most dynamic countries in Europe where students get to experience Spanish life and culture at its core by living with a host family, and an internship within a Spanish organization.

Please see for more program details.


The 小蓝视频 Abroad Program in Nairobi offers specialized study in the public health track at the University of Nairobi School of Public Health. Students also engage in a practice-based internship and community diagnosis project using epidemiological methods.

Read about 小蓝视频 student .

Please see 小蓝视频 Nairobi for more program details.


小蓝视频 Abroad Nairobi: The Story of 18 小蓝视频 Students in Kenya


小蓝视频 Public Health students visit Kenya.