Business Law Program

Recent Faculty Publications


Hilary J. Allen, Professor of Law; Associate Dean for Scholarship

  • Hilary Allen, Driverless Finance (Oxford 2022). Available at: .
  • Hilary Allen, Regulatory Innovation and Permission to Fail, forthcoming N.Y.U. J. L. & BUS.
  • Hilary Allen, DeFi: Shadow Banking 2.0?, forthcoming Wm. & Mary L. Rev.
  • Hilary Allen, Resurrecting the OFR, 47 J. Corp. L. 1 (2021). Available at: .
  • Hilary Allen, Payments Failure, 62 B.C. L. Rev. 453 (2021). Available at: .
  • Hilary Allen, Experimental Strategies for Regulating Fintech, 3 J. L. & Innovation 1 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Driverless Finance,10Harv. Bus. L. Rev.157 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Sandbox Boundaries, 22Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L.299 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Experimental Strategies for Regulating Fintech, 3J. L. & Innovation1 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Regulatory Sandboxes, 87Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 579 (2019). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,The SEC as Financial Stability Regulator, 43J. Corp. L. 715 (2018). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Driverless Finance,10Harv. Bus. L. Rev.157 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Sandbox Boundaries, 22Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L.299 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Experimental Strategies for Regulating Fintech, 3J. L. & Innovation1 (2020). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,Regulatory Sandboxes, 87Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 579 (2019). Available at: .
  • Hilary J. Allen,The SEC as Financial Stability Regulator, 43J. Corp. L. 715 (2018). Available at: .

Jonathan B. Baker, Research Professor of Law

  • Jonathan B. Baker,Andrew I. Gavil, William E. Kovacic, & Joshua D. Wright, (4th ed. 2022).
  • Jonathan B. Baker, The Antitrust Paradigm: Restoring a Competitive Economy (Harvard U.P. 2019)
  • Jonathan B. Baker & Joseph Farrell, Oligopoly Coordination,Economic Analysis, and the Prophylactic Role of Horizontal Merger Enforcement, 168U. Pa. L. Rev.1985 (2020). Available at: .
  • Jonathan B. Baker, Forward, in John Kwoka, Controlling Mergers and Market Power: A Program for Reviving Antitrust in America (2020).
  • Jonathan B. Baker & Andrew I. Gavil, Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg and Antitrust Law's Rule[s] of Reason, in Douglas Ginsburg: An Antitrust Professor on the Bench: Liber Amicorum (Nicolas Charbit ed. 2020).Available at: .
  • Jonathan B. Baker et al., Five Principles for Vertical Merger Enforcement Policy, 33 Antitrust 12 (2019).Available at: .
  • Jonathan B. Baker, Accommodating Competition: Harmonizing National Economic Commitments, 60 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1149 (2019).Available at : .
  • Jonathan B. Baker, Cartel Ringmaster or Competition Creator? The Ebooks Case against Apple (2013), in The Antitrust Revolution (John E. Kwoka, Jr. & Lawrence J. White, eds., 7th ed. 2019).
  • Jonathan B. Baker & Fiona Scott Morton, Antitrust Enforcement Against Platform MFNs, 127 Yale L.J. 2176-2202 (2018).Available at: .
  • Jonathan B. Baker, Jonathan Sallet & Fiona Scott Morton, Introduction: Unlocking Antitrust Enforcement, 127 Yale L.J. 1916 (2018).Available at: .
  • Jonathan B. Baker & Fiona Scott Morton, Confronting Rising Market Power, Policy Brief 11 (May 2019).Available at: .

Priya Baskaran, Assistant Professor of Law;Director of the Entrepreneurship Law Clinic

  • Priya Baskaran, Taking Our Space: Service, Scholarship, and Radical Citation Practice,73 Rutgers U. L. R.891 (2021). Available at: .
  • Priya Baskaran, Thirsty Places,2021 Utah L. R. Vol. 501 (2021). Available at: .
  • Priya Baskaran, Building Bridges: Examining Race and Privilege in Community Economic Development: Introductory Overview,28 J. Aff. Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L.203 (2019). Available at: .
  • Priya Baskaran,Respect the Hustle: Necessity Entrepreneurship, Returning Citizens, and Social Enterprise Strategies, 78Md. L. Rev.323 (2019). Available at: .
V. Gerard Comizio

V. Gerard Comizio, Adjunct Professor of Law; Associate Director, Business Law Program

  • V. Gerard Comizio, Cryptocurrency: Ukraine Crisis Shows Urgency for Federal Reform, , March 16, 2022, .
  • V. Gerard Comizio, - (2002).
  • V. Gerard Comizio & Nathan S. Brownback,Finalized Volcker Rule Amendments, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation(Aug. 10, 2019), .
  • V. Gerard Comizio, Michael T. Gershberg, & Nathan S. Brownback, Regulatory Support for Innovative Compliance Measures, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation(Dec. 27, 2018), .
  • V. Gerard Comizio & Nathan S. Brownback,Shedding the Status of Bank Holding Company, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
  • (Aug. 11, 2018), .
  • V. Gerard Comizio & Nathan S. Brownback,How Zions Bank Is Reducing Its Regulatory Burdens, Law360(July 30, 2018), .
  • V. Gerard Comizio & Nathan S. Brownback, Bank Holding Company Shedding Transactions,The Review of Banking & Financial Services (June 2018).
  • V. Gerard Comizio & Nathan S. Brownback,Significant Revisions of the Volcker Rule, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation(June 18, 2018), .
  • V. Gerard Comizio, Jessica Forbes & Nathan S. Brownback,How Dodd-Frank Rollback Changes The Volcker Rule, Law360 (May 25, 2018), .
Walter Effross

Walter Effross, Professor of Law

  • Walter Effross, Corporate Governance: Principles, Practices, and Provisions (3rd ed. 2022).
  • Walter Effross, Leonard Goodman CPA, Ph.D., Anthony Pochesci CPA & Jay Soled LL.M.,Tax consequences of nonfungible tokens (NFTs),Journal of Accountantcy(2021). Available at: .
  • Walter Effross, Directors Dating Directors? Don’t, Corporate Governance Advisor, May/June 2022.
  • Walter Effross, Corporate Governance: Principles, Practices, and Provisions (3rd ed. 2022).
  • Walter Effross, Leonard Goodman CPA, Ph.D., Anthony Pochesci CPA & Jay Soled LL.M.,Tax consequences of nonfungible tokens (NFTs),Journal of Accountantcy(2021). Available at: .
Christine Haight Farley

Christine Haight Farley, Professor of Law; Director, International Organizations, Law and Development

  • Christine Farley, Report on Unfair Competition Protection under U.S. and Canadian Law, in Status Report on Protection Against Unfair Competition, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (Nov. 2022). Available at: .
  • Christine Farley, A Research Framework on Intellectual Property and Morality, Handbook of IP Research (Irene Calboli & Lilla Montagnani, eds., 2021). Available at: .
  • Christine Farley, Trademark Law’s Monopoly Problem: The Supreme Court on Generic Terms as Trademarks, ABA Landslide (Feb. 2021). Available at: .
  • Christine Farley, The Lost Unfair Competition Law, 110 Trademark Rep. 739 (2020). Available at: .
  • Christine Farley, Public Policy Limitations on Trademark Subject Matter: A U.S. Perspective, in The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law (Irene Calboli & Jane C. Ginsburg, eds., Cambridge University Press 2020). Available at: .
  • Christine Farley, Out of the Blue: The Federal Circuit Devises a New Rule for Color Marks, Patently-O Blog (Apr. 2020). Available at: .
  • Christine Haight Farley, Confusing the Similarity of Trademark Law in Domain Name Disputes, 52 Akron L. Rev.607 (2019).Available at:.
Susan Frank

Susan Franck, Professor of Law

  • Susan Franck, The Cost Award, (forthcoming in The Award in International Investment Arbitration (Catharine Titi & Katia Fach Gomez eds. forthcoming)).
  • Susan Franck, The Once and Future ICSID, ICSID Arbitration Rules (Richard Happ & Stephen Wilske eds. 2022).
  • Susan Franck, The Past, Present, and Future of Investment Treaty Conflict Management and Dispute Systems Design, 17 U. St. Thomas L. J. 345 (2021). Available at: .
  • Susan Franck, Arbitration Costs: Myths and Realities in Investment Treaty Arbitration(Oxford University Press2019).
  • Susan Franck, The Promise and Peril of Empiricism and International Investment Law Disputes, Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (Andrea Bjorklund, Franco Ferrari & Stefan Kröll eds. 2020).
  • Susan Franck, The Fundamentals of Arbitration, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance(2021). Available at: .
  • Susan Franck,The Diversity Deficit in International Investment Arbitration, 21J. World Invest. & Trade410 (2020) (with Andrea K. Bjorklund, et al.).Available at: .
  • Susan Franck,International Arbitration and Attorney-Client Privilege: A Conflicts of Law Approach, 51Ariz. St. L.J.935 (2019).Available at: .
  • Susan Franck,International Arbitration – Between Myth and Reality, 5McGill J. Disp. Resol.5 (2018). Available at: .
  • Susan Franck, ForewordtoLegal Reasoning Across Commercial Disputes: Comparing Judicial and Arbitral Analyses by S.I. Strong (Oxford University Press 2020).
  • Susan Franck, Variables Affecting Costs in Investment Arbitration: A Look at the Data(solicited contribution), 12N.Y. Dispute Resolution Lawyer51 (2019).
  • Susan Franck, Observations on Costs: A Response and Implications for UNCITRAL and ISDS Reforms, EJILTALK! (May 1, 2019),.
  • Susan Franck, Valuing Women in International Adjudication, 111Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc.289 (2018).Available at: .
Heather Hughes

Heather Hughes, Professor of Law;Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs

  • Heather Hughes, The Complex Implications of Fintech for Financial Inclusion, - 115 (2021). Available at: .
  • Heather Hughes, Designing Effective Regulation for Blockchain-Based Markets, 46 Journal of Corporation Law 899 (2021). Available at: .
  • James J. White, G. Eric Brunstad, Jr., & Heather Hughes, Secured Transactions Teaching Materials (5th ed.2020).
  • Heather Hughes, The Complex Implications of FinTech for Financial Inclusion, 83L. & Contemporary Problems115 (2020). Available at: .
  • Heather Hughes,Blockchain and the Future of Secured Transactions Law,3 Stan. J. Blockchain L. & Pol’y21 (2020). Available at: .
  • Heather Hughes,Reforming the True-Sale Doctrine, 36Yale J. Reg.Bulletin51 (2018). Available at: .
Benjamin Leff

Benjamin Leff, Director of JD/MBA Dual Degree Program

  • Benjamin Leff, Marijuana Taxation: Theory and Practice, 101 B.U.L.R. 915 (2021). Available at: .
  • Benjamin Leff, Fixing the Johnson Amendment Without Totally Destroying It, 6 U. Pa. J.L. & Pub. Aff. 115 (2020). Available at: .
  • Benjamin Leff,EITC for All: A Universal Basic Income Compromise Proposal,26Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts & Soc. Just.85 (2019). Available at: .
  • Benjamin Leff,What is Lost When Philanthropy Avoids Philanthropy Law?,70Fla. L. Rev. F. 155(2019). Available at: .
  • Benjamin Leff,EITC for All: A Universal Basic Income Compromise Proposal,26Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts & Soc. Just. 85 (2019). Available at: .
  • Benjamin Leff, Some Implications of the Agency-Cost Theory of the Nonprofit Firm,in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Enterprise Law(Cambridge 2018).
  • Benjamin Leff, The Boundary Between Not-for-Profits and Business: Social Enterprise and Hybrid Models,in Research Handbook on Not-for-Profit Law(Elgar 2018).
Fernada Nicola

Fernada Nicola, Director, International Organizations, Law and Development

  • Fernanda G. Nicola and Michelle Egan, The Value-Based Trade Agenda, NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy (Forthcoming in 2023).
  • Fernanda G. Nicola and Antonio Caiola, Defending Democracy through Law: The Creation of the Legal Service of the European Parliament, 46 Fordham Intl. L. J. (2022).
  • Fernanda G. Nicola & Gino Scaccia, The Italian Model to Fight COVID-19: Regional Coordination, Regulatory Inflation and the Cost of One-Size-Fits All Lockdown Measures, 73 Admin. L. Rev. 53 (2021). Available at: .
  • Fernanda G. Nicola, Legal Diplomacy in an Age of Authoritarianism, 27:3 Columbia Journal of European Law (2021). Available at: .
  • Fernanda G. Nicola & Gino Scaccia, It’s All About the Pasta: Protectionism, Liberalization, and the Challenge for Quality and Sustainability of Made in Italy, 14 FIU L. Rev. 479 (2021). Available at: .
  • Fernanda G. Nicola, Pizza, Pasta, and Gelato: The Legal Construction of “Made in Italy”, JOTWELL: International & Comparative Law (May 26, 2021). Available at: .
  • Fernanda G. Nicola & Oreste Pollicino, The Balkanization of Data Privacy Regulation, 123 W. Va. L. Rev. 61 (2020). Available at: .
  • Chris Kimura and Fernanda G. Nicola, EU-Asian Free Trade Agreements: The Negotiating Capital of Trade Experts (book chapter in Law, Legal Expertise,and EU Policy-Making, Päivi Leino-Sandberg Emilia Korkea-aho, eds; CUP 2022).
  • Jeffrey Miller and Fernanda G. Nicola, The Failure to Grapple with Racial Capitalism in European Constitutionalism, European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia (Jan Komárek ed. 2022, OUP). Available at: .
  • EU to Campus, podcast episode for the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO) on the “European Union Legal System” in which Professor Nicola answers questions of СƵ WCL students Eric Wenz and Catrina Crittenden. The Podcast is now available on , and EPLO website: .
david snyder

David V. Snyder, Professor of Law; Director, Business Law Program

  • David Snyder, Contracts for Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chains (American Bar Association, publication expected 2023) (with Susan A. Maslow).
  • David Snyder, Contracting for Process, 84 Duke Journal of Law & Contemp. Probs. 255 (2022).
  • Paper presentations at “Contract in Crisis,” Duke Law & Contemporary Problems (July 20, 2021) (virtual); European University Institute, Florence (Dec. 2, 2021).
  • David Snyder, Bridges, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 832 (2022). Available at: .
  • David Snyder, Balancing Buyer and Supplier Responsibilities: Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, Version 2.0, 77 Bus. Law. 115 (2021). Available at: .
  • David Snyder,Balancing Buyer and Supplier Responsibilities: Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, Version 2.0, Business Law Today (April 2021). Available at:
  • David Snyder, Chapter 13, Conditions, and Chapter 14, Breach (both with Randy Barnett), in Randy E. Barnett & Nathan B. Oman, Contracts: Cases and Doctrine 859-902 (7th ed. 2021) (in the Aspen Casebook Series published by Wolters Kluwer). Previous editions: id. at 835-71 (6th ed. 2017); id. at 839-75 (5th ed. 2012); id. at 857-91 (4th ed. 2008); id. at 839-75 (3d ed. 2003); id. at 925-51, 969-84 (2d ed. 1999).
  • David Snyder, New Parties in Arbitration, 8 Am. U. Bus. L. Rev. 285 (2020).
  • David Snyder, The New Social Contracts in International Supply Chains, 68 Am. U. L. Rev. 1869 (2019). Available at: .
  • David Snyder, The New Social Contracts, Oxford University Press, Aug. 18, 2015, .
  • David Snyder,The New Social Contracts in International Supply Chains, 68 Am. U.L. Rev. 1869 (2019).
  • David Snyder,Human Rights in International Supply Chains – Protecting Workers and Managing Company Risk, 73 Bus. Law. 1093 (2018) (with Susan A. Maslow) (Report and Model Contract Clauses from the Working Group to Draft Human Rights Protections in International Supply Contracts, ABA Business Law Section), republished in Business Law Today, available at:.
Brandon Weiss

Brandon Weiss, Professor of Law

  • Brandon M. Weiss, Opportunity Zones, 1031 Exchanges, and Universal Housing Vouchers, 110 Calif. L. Rev. 179 (2022). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Clarifying Nonprofit Purchase Rights in Affordable Housing, 49 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1159 (2021). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, The LIHTC Program, Racially/Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty, and High-Opportunity Neighborhoods (with Kirk McClure, Ph.D., Anne Williamson, Ph.D., Hye-Sung Han, Ph.D.), 6 TX A&M J. PROP. L. 89 (2020). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Progressive Property Theory and Housing Justice Campaigns, 10 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 251 (2019). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Interdisciplinary Projects-Based Community Entrepreneurship Courses (with Anthony J. Luppino), 27 J. Aff. Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L. 491 (2019). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Locating Affordable Housing: The Legal System’s Misallocation of Subsidized Housing Incentives, 70 Hastings L.J. 215 (2018). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Narrowly-Tailored Privatization, 26 J. Aff. Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L. 79 (2017). Available at: .
  • Brandon M. Weiss, Residual Value Capture in Subsidized Housing, 10 HARV. L. & POL’Y REV. 521 (2016). Available at: .