First place Pontif铆cia Universidade Cat贸lica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Bernardo Kaiser Paulo Henrique Tavares
Second Place Universidad De San Martin de Porres Alexandra Cabrera S谩nchez Apodemio Paul Salcedo Paulino
Winning Memorial(s) Best Memorial for the State in English: University of San Diego School of Law Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) Best Memorial for the state in Portugese: Universidade Federal da Para铆ba - Faculdade de Direito听 Best Memorial for the Victims in English: University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish: Universidad De San Martin de Porres - Facultad de Derecho Best Memorial for the Victims in Portugese: Faculdade de Direito da Funda莽茫o Escola Superior do Minist茅rio P煤blico
Best Orator(s) Best Orator for the State in English: Jo毛lle Blais听 (Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al) Best Orator for the State in Spanish: Juliana Maria Novoa Hernandez (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogot谩) Best Orator for the State in Portugese: Bernardo Kaiser (Pontif铆cia Universidade Cat贸lica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)) Best Orator for the Victim in English: Stephanie Ewbank (University of the West Indies, Cave Hill) Best Orator for the Victim in Spanish: Valentina Varela (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali) Best Orator for the Victim in Portugese: Isabela Rodrigues (Universidade Federal do Par谩)