Selected Faculty Research

Recent Publications

  • William H Wilson, Peter W Chung, Zois Boukouvalas, & Moritz Elan (2022, December), .听Energetics Science and Technology, IOP Publishing, Book Chapter.听
  • Puerto, M., Kellett, M., Nikopoulou, R., Fuge, M. D., Doherty, R., Chung, P. W., & Boukouvalas, Z. (2022),听. arXiv preprint.听
  • Damasceno, L. P., Shafer, A., Japkowicz, N., Cavalcante, C. C., & Boukouvalas, Z. (2022),听. International Conference on Discovery Science (pp. 253-268). Springer, Cham.听
  • Casey CP, Hartings MR, Knapp MA, Malloy EJ, and Knee KL.听(2022),听. Freshwater Science, 41:236-252.
  • Burch E, Culver DC, Alonzo M, and Malloy EJ. (2022),听. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32:922-929.听
  • E. T. Brandley, A. E. Kirkland, M. Baron, J. N. Baraniuk, and K. F. Holton (2022),听. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Sec. Mood Disorders, 13.
  • R. Corizzo, M. Baron, and N. Japkowicz (2022). . Knowledge Based Systems, 247.听
  • M. Baron, E. Yashchin, and A. Takken (2022),听. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science in Statistics, edited by A. Steland and K.-L. Tsui, pp. 227-252. Springer.听听
  • Moroney, C., Crothers, E., Mittal, S., Joshi, A., Adal谋, T., Mallinson, C., ... & Boukouvalas, Z. (2021, October). The Case for Latent Variable Vs Deep Learning Methods in Misinformation Detection: An Application to COVID-19.听International Conference on Discovery Science (pp. 422-432). Springer, Cham.听
  • Liu, Y., Boukouvalas, Z., & Japkowicz, N. (2021, October). A Semi-supervised Framework for Misinformation Detection. In International Conference on Discovery Science (pp. 57-66). Springer, Cham.听
  • Boukouvalas, Z., Puerto, M., Elton, D. C., Chung, P. W., & Fuge, M. D. (2021, January). Independent vector analysis for molecular data fusion: Application to property prediction and knowledge discovery of energetic materials. In 2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (pp. 1030-1034). IEEE.听
  • Damasceno, L. P., Cavalcante, C. C., Adal谋, T., & Boukouvalas, Z. (2021, June). Independent Vector Analysis Using Semi-Parametric Density Estimation via Multivariate Entropy Maximization. In ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 3715-3719). IEEE.听听
  • Kapellusch JM, Bao SS, Malloy EJ, Thiese MS, Merryweather AS, and Hegmann KT. 听Validation of the revised strain index for predicting risk of incident carpal tunnel syndrome in a prospective cohort study. Ergonomics. 2021;64:1369-1378. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2021.1940306.听
  • Carlson EJ, Malloy EJ, Brauer L, Golomb RG, Grant JE, Mansueto CS, and Haaga DAF. . Behavior Therapy. 2021;52:1543-1557.听
  • Meyer MJ, Malloy EJ, and Coull BA. . Statistics and Computing. 2021;31,Article:14.听
  • A. E. Kirkland, M. Baron, J. W. VanMeter, J. N. Baraniuk, and K. F. Holton. . Nutritional Neuroscience, 1-12, 2021.听
  • M. Baron, S. Ye, and B. Chattopadhyay. , Variance, 14 (1): 2021.
  • K. F. Holton, S. S. Ramachandra, S. L. Murray, M. Baron, and J. N. Baraniuk. . Life Sciences, 280, 119637: September 2021.
  • K. Faber, R. Corizzo, B. Sniezynski, M. Baron and N. Japkowicz. . IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pp. 4450-4459, 2021.
  • Prado-Oviedo, NA, Carlstead K, Malloy EJ, Paris S, Wielebnowski N, Rockwood LL, and Brown JL. . Hormones and Behavior. 2020;104804.听
  • Thiese MS, Lu ML, Merryweather A, Tang R, Ferguson S, Malloy EJ, Marras W, Hegmann K, and Kapellusch J. s. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Sep 2020, 62(10):810-815.
  • K. F. Holton, A. E. Kirkland, M. Baron, S. S. Ramachandra, M. T. Langan, E. T. Brandley, and J. N. Baraniuk. , 12(9):2593, 2020.

Selected Grants

Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness

  • PI: Kathleen Holton
    Investigator: Michael Baron
  • $6,370,661 from US Department of Defense, ending 2025
  • See also:听, 12(9):2593, 2020.

Effects of Age and Lesion Location on Motor, Cognitive, and Behavioral Outcomes in Pediatric Posterior Fossa Patients

  • PI: Catherine Stoodley
    Investigator/Statistician: Elizabeth Malloy
  • $396,041 from National Cancer Institute, ending 2025

Data-Driven Multi-modal Fusion for the Analysis of Energetic Material Systems

  • PI: Zois Boukouvalas
  • $200,000 from Energetics Technology Center, ending 2023
  • Using Advanced Machine Learning techniques and data from multiple sources, and of different nature, i.e. multi-modal, to design, prototype, and evaluate an end-to-end system for the synthesis, analysis, and handling of energetic materials.

Human Assisted Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Approaches for Energetics

  • PI: Zois Boukouvalas
  • $160,000 from Energetics Technology Center, ending 2023
  • Develop human assisted machine learning and natural language processing听approaches to infer information about energetic materials and long-range precision fires technologies from highly technical open literature sources.听

Analysis of Hierarchical Eigentasks and Change-Point Detection in SRI Lifelong Learning Ma

  • PI: Nathalie Japkowicz
    Co-PIs: Roberto Corizzo,听Michael Baron
  • $210,00 from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (subcontract with SRI International), ended 2021

Statistical Detection of New Patterns and Potential Threats in Geospatial Sequences of Social and Political Events

  • PI: Michael Baron
  • $200,000 from National Science Foundation, ended 2021

Data Analysis, Visualization, and Knowledge Discovery for Early Detection of Child Victimization. 听

  • PI: Maria Barouti, Zois Boukouvalas, Nathalie Japkowicz, Alex Godwin, Alexandra Kapatou, Jane Wall, Toks Fashola, Mary W. Gray, Nimai Mehta
  • $4000 from CAS Faculty Mellon Fund, 2019听

Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States: A Visual Exploration

  • Mellon Grant awarded to Data Science MS student, Allison Ragan Spring/Summer 2021