Community-Based Courses For Students

Community-Based聽Learning & Reseach courses offer undergraduate students the opportunity to experience service-learning as part of an existing course. Students complete 20 hours of community service or a service project related to their course content and facilitated by the faculty member.

CB聽courses are a great way for students to put their education to use and get practice with hands-on skill application. Examples of hour-based experiences in the past have included translation work in language courses. Project-based experiences have included creating social media posts in visual literacy courses. See an example from聽one class below!

Join a CB Course

Find Community-Based聽Classes on Eagle Service when you filter by "Course Type" in the Course Catalog Advanced Search or go to and view under "Classes."

Upcoming Events

Our Nonprofit Networking Fair will be hosted on Wednesday 1/24听蹿谤辞尘 12-2pm in the MGC Marketplace. Stop by to meet experts working on the ground to address the most pressing issues in the DMV area and learn about opportunities to get involved. We hope to see you there!

SPAN 458: Intro to Spanish Translation

Image of a Citizen Pre-Test used by the non-profit CARECEN in both English and Spanish.A student working with the non-profit CARECEN in their CB class聽translated this document to聽help聽evaluate students聽preparing for their citizenship test with US Customs & Immigration Services.